In order to successfully convert from a string representation of a decimal value to an actual real type on X++, you can't have any formats on your string. That means that the string has to be representing a double exactly as the real variable does: no thousand separator, and the dot ('.') character for the decimal separator.
It does not consider AX's region when performing the conversion.
Consider the following job:
static void Job1(Args _args) { str val1, val2, val3, val4; real real1, real2, real3, real4; val1 = '100,000.000'; val2 = '100.000,000'; val3 = '100000,005'; val4 = '100000.056405'; real1 = str2num(val1); real2 = str2num(val2); real3 = str2num(val3); real4 = str2num(val4); pause; }
The only valid conversion is the last one, from the variable val4. The real variables have the following values after the assignment:
So just remember to be very careful when converting from a string representing a decimal value to a real X++ type when using the str2num function.
You can always use the .NET Framework instead. If you do, then you'll be able to set a specific culture when converting the double value, like the following valid X++ code:
System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo::CreateSpecificCulture("pt-Br"); real parsedDouble = System.Double::Parse("1.200,99", cultureInfo); print parsedDouble;
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