
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boolean parameter VS exposing semantics

This can be a subject of quite long discussions with team mates during coffee hours.
Some team mates might think that simply putting a boolean parameter that slightly changes the behavior of a method is not a big deal. They may even make the parameter optional.

But when is that a good thing? When is it good to "just add a boolean parameter and make it optional"? Well, if it changes the method behavior in the smallest way possible, but even then it matters, then I'd say it's never good.

To prove it, consider the following two calls:


I don't know about you, but if I'm the one maintaining this code the first thing that would pop into my head when reading the second line would be "What the hell should be true?". The second thing I'd have to do would be lookup the method definition (or read its summary, if the developer who wrote the method cared enough to even create one), which is pretty easy, just position the cursor over it and press F12 right? Right! But what if that method is defined in another project / solution / dll that you do not have opened in your environment, or you don't even have access to?

And that, my friend, is why I strongly advise you to always go for the better semantics! Specially if you're writing public methods.

What I'm saying here doesn't make much sense if you work in a small company with a small codebase and maybe a team of 2 to 3 developers. But imagine working in a team of 20, 30 or 50 developers. Or even with a small codebase, imagine maintaining code that has been in production for 5 years or more, with no documentation whatsoever. Code whose owner or writer is not even working for the company anymore. I'm sure you'd have a blast trying to find out "what the hell should be true" in the example above.

Wouldn't it be easier if you could just have those two example lines written like this instead?


"Ooooh, so that's what that true meant!"

And I won't even mention named arguments for cases like this, because they're pretty evil for distributed solutions. Jon Skeet has an awesome way of stating it, which can be found here and of course, in his book C# in Depth, that I quote:

The silent horror of changing names

In the past, parameter names haven’t mattered much if you’ve only been using C#. Other languages may have cared, but in C# the only times that parameter names were important were when you were looking at IntelliSense and when you were looking at the method code itself. Now, the parameter names of a method are effectively part of the API even if you’re only using C#. If you change them at a later date, code can break—anything that was using a named argument to refer to one of your parameters will fail to compile if you decide to change it. This may not be much of an issue if your code is only consumed by itself anyway, but if you’re writing a public API, be aware that changing a parameter name is a big deal. It always has been really, but if everything calling the code was written in C#, we’ve been able to ignore that until now.

Renaming parameters is bad; switching the names around is worse. That way the calling code may still compile, but with a different meaning. A particularly evil form of this is to override a method and switch the parameter names in the overridden version. The compiler will always look at the deepest override it knows about, based on the static type of the expression used as the target of the method call. You don’t want to get into a situation where calling the same method implementation with the same argument list results in different behavior based on the static type of a variable.

And that my friends, is why when it comes to boolean parameters VS method overloading, I always side with method overloading, that is, when the boolean parameter changes the method's behavior in a way that matters.

PS: C# in Depth is a great read, you should definitely read it.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Change CreatedDateTime field content

Since it's a table column controlled by the system, you can't update it. The same goes to the other system columns.

The compiler won't even let you write code like the following:

myTable.CreatedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::utcNow();

It'll spit out the error "The field must be a data element that allows assignment.".

However, there is a workaround to be done. The xRecord.overwriteSystemFields helps us with it. Its name is pretty straightforward. We should also grant the required permission to our code, by using the OverwriteSystemFieldsPermission permission class.

Here's how we should use it:

MyTableBuffer myTableBuffer;
    myTableBuffer = myTableBuffer::find();
    new OverwriteSystemfieldsPermission().assert();
    myTableBuffer.(fieldNum(MyTableBuffer, CreatedDateTime)) = DateTimeUtil::utcNow();

There are two things to keep in mind:

  • This trick only works for insert operations. It will not work for update operations.
  • The OverwriteSystemFieldsPermission will only work for code running on the server.

To make your code run on the server, add the "server" keyworkd to its name, like this:

server public static void foo()

Just remember that the server keyword only works for static methods. In MSDN's words:

Establishes the location where the method is to be executed (on the server).
Can only be used on static methods. If the method is not static, you need to specify the location using the class property RunOn.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dynamics AX custom lookup in dialog

If you ever need to create a Dynamics AX dialog custom lookup, don't use the method naming approach, in which you name your method with a sufix like "_lookup". Your code will get very ugly, because the name of the fields in a dialog have very weak semantics. You'll most likely end up with methods like:

public void Fld1_1_lookup()

Instead use the new method introduced in Dynamics AX 2012, the DialogField.registerOverrideMethod method.

The method is very straightforward: you indicate what method you want to override, what is the method that overrides it, and in which form you want it to be overridden. Since it works with dialogs, you can use it on SysOperation UI Builders, on forms' dialogs and so on.

Because this method requires that the dialog is already constructed, you usually put it in "postRun" methods, like dialogPostRun or simply postRun, it depends on what you're doing. For SysOperationUIBuilders, you should call this method on the postBuild method.

For what I've seen and tested, the method that will receive the "event" we have overridden must always accept a first parameter of type FormControl, otherwise it just won't work.

Your method should look something like this:

private void lookup(FormControl _formControl)

Here's a full example of a lookup for a SysOperationUIBuilder, where we will override a lookup for a dialog field bound to the data contract:

  • Here we register the method that will be used to override the lookup method
    public void postRun()
        DialogField           dlgFieldToBeOverridden;
        MyDataContract        dataContract;
        dataContract = this.getDataContractObject();
        dlgFieldToBeOverridden = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(dataContract, methodStr(MyDataContract, parmFieldToBeOverridden));
        dlgFieldToBeOverridden.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup), methodStr(MyUIBuilderClass, myCustomLookup), this);
  • And here's the method that will perform the actual lookup. For this particular example, we will assume we already have developed a new form called "MyLookupForm", and that we will be performing the lookup from a string control. You could use the SysTableLookup or the SysReferenceTableLookup approaches instead.
    private void myCustomLookup(FormControl _formControl)
        Args                args            = new Args(formStr(MyLookupForm));
        FormStringControl   stringControl   = _formControl;
        FormRun             formRun;
        formRun = ClassFactory::formRunClassOnClient(args);